Invisalign clear aligners are made of almost invisible polyurethane plastic. Instead of being cemented to the teeth like metal or clear braces, clear aligners are removable in case you want to eat, brush or floss. This benefit can also be a disadvantage because you’ll now need to resist the temptation to take your aligners out for longer than the recommended time. Here are some other reasons why clear aligners like the Invisalign system may be a good option for you:

Better Oral Hygiene

With a removable orthodontic appliance, you can now clean your teeth as usual, with no interference from the appliance. This makes cleaning and maintaining the teeth much easier than with traditional braces

A Subtle Look

If you feel that metal braces don’t suit your self-image, removable clear aligner trays will definitely fit your needs. It is very difficult to tell that someone with clear aligners is even wearing them!

More Dietary Varieties

In protecting metal wires and braces, certain dietary adjustments are required. With clear aligners, you can still bite into an apple and have your steak!

Ease of Use

Clear aligners are soft, flexible material and will not irritate the soft tissues of the mouth like metal wires and braces sometimes do.

Clear Aligners

Teeth-Grinding Guard

If you have a habit of grinding your teeth at night, clear aligners can serve as thin night guards that will shield your teeth from undue wear.

Here are some pitfalls of clear aligners that you should know about:


The cost of clear aligners may sometimes be a little more than the traditional braces. This may not always be true depending on the extent or length of the treatment.

Versatility in correcting malocclusions

Clear aligners may not be right for you depending on the complexity of your malocclusion. Your orthodontist can tell you if clear aligners can fix your malocclusion.


As convenient as it is to wear the aligners, they can also be forgotten to be used! In particular,  younger patients may find it easier to place them in their pockets instead of on their teeth. Unlike braces, the orthodontist must be confident that constant required pressure will be applied to the teeth by continuous wear in order to have successful treatment. Therefore patient compliance is essential with aligners to get the expected results!